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Category: programming

Android Phone Recorder Problem

Android Phone Recorder Problem

Note:  I don’t have time to complete this posting right now, so it’s in a draft format.  I just wanted to briefly document my findings before I forget.  Back to studying for the Patent Bar… I finally pony up the Benjamins and got myself an Android handset, wait for it – the Sprint HTC EVO 4G! You may not share my enthusiasm, but finally ditching my HTC Mogul (running WinMo 6.1) and moving into an even more open platform opens…

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A5/1 Cipher Cracked

A5/1 Cipher Cracked

German researcher Karsten Nohl has cracked the encryption used for GSM.  His team has made information and tools needed to replicate the attack with a somewhat modest set up.    The A5/1’s 64-bit encryption key used in GSM is simply too short for the kind of computing power widely available today.  Considering that the technology is over 20 years old, however, it’s robustness is still remarkable. Here’s the A5/1 Cracking Project’s website.

Google Code booted JSMin-PHP Because It’s Not Allowed to “Do Evil”

Google Code booted JSMin-PHP Because It’s Not Allowed to “Do Evil”

An interesting report by CNET News.  How do you define evil?  I suppose one way to not do evil is to write the code so that it consumes less resources, either in terms of CPU cycles or memory (or both if you can!), thus reducing the power dissipated in millions or billions of CMOS Flip-Flops.  Just think about the implications of wasted charges/discharges and unnecessarily-spent batteries.  Wait, maybe I’m getting off topic…

UCLA CS113, Introduction to Distributed Embeded Systems

UCLA CS113, Introduction to Distributed Embeded Systems

This course will introduce basic concepts needed to understand, design, and implement wireless distributed embedded systems. Topics include: a) design implications of energy, and otherwise resource-constrained nodes; b) network self-configuration and adaptation; c) data routing and transport; c) applications; and e) software design issues. The course will be heavily project based. Working knowledge of C programming in the UNIX environment (particularly GNU/Linux) is assumed.

Ruled-based Citation Checker Using Finite State Automata

Ruled-based Citation Checker Using Finite State Automata

I was trying to review my crim law reading last night in bed, and thought of the idea of using FSA to check legal citation. If citation in legal writing conforms strictly to some predefined rules (either Bluebook or ALWD), then there’s no reason why the problem can’t be solved by a FSA which describes the finite number of rules set forth in those citation manuals. The solution seems pretty straight forward, and can be implemented fairly elegantly in either…

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Theory Behind A Spelling Corrector

Theory Behind A Spelling Corrector

I stumpled upon this fairly interesting article and explanation about how a spelling corrector would be coded in Python.  This takes me back to Stat 110 at UCLA, and I thought it’s good for me to at least document this find for future reference.